Explore Our Existential Services

Embrace your inner light and shine. With infinite paths forward, let us uncover the one that leads you home to Soul. Cultivate a new beginning with a profound shift in your life. Learn more about our services, including our Quantum Spells and session offerings below.

The Elemental Realm Crystal Shop

The Last Crystal You Will Ever Need

Catch our 25% off Fall Sale!

Offer Valid until November 22nd


Jungle Jasper Tower Infused with Antojai Quantum Reiki

Programmed Copper Spiral Pendulum Infused with Antojai Quantum Reiki

Schedule a Session

15 minute Introduction Session


Are you unsure if our services are right for you? Do you want to explore our high value offers?

This introduction session is right for you if:

  • if you have questions about the services prior to scheduling a session

  • if you are unsure if our services are a right fit for your needs

  • if you require services tailored to your unique needs

  • if you have special circumstances or considerations for your experience that need to be highlighted prior to contracting services

  • if you are ready to explore high value packages and see if they are a right fit for you


This 15 minute introduction session includes:

  • a meet and greet

  • an overview of our services and how they can assist you

  • an analysis of your requirements and a tailored action plan

  • an estimate on the scope of the project

  • referral to our free meditations and low-cost content that will begin to shift your experience immediately and provides you with an insight into my flavor of work as a Shaman before scheduling


Immediate benefits of this session include:

  • clarity on our services and offerings

  • a feeling for what our sessions together could offer you

  • free resources to assist you on your journey


Let's get to know each other, dig into your experience and identify your goals. Explore what is in store for you when you schedule a session.

Advanced Journeyers can explore our high value package options and apply for them here.


60 Minute Antojai Chakra Reading & Balancing,

$244 CAD

Are you struggling to achieve balance and wellness in your life despite everything you've tried?

This session is right for you if:

  • you feel roadblocked in finding your balanced lifestyle

  • you suffer from the regular effects of burnout

  • you are an "overfunctioner"; IE: you don't take breaks

  • you struggle to find time for yourself

  • you take 2 steps forward and 5 steps back when you try to enact your goals

  • you have cycles of health and sickness

  • sicknesses seem to correspond with when you feel burned out


This session includes:

  • an analysis of how your energy centers are currently flowing

  • an oracle card reading revealing how you can embody greater balance and harmony

  • a channeled message from your spirit guides revealing how you can more easily flow into your balance and wellness

  • Antojai Quantum Reiki to clear, cleanse, neutralize, reset, and align your chakra and meridian system into complete balance.

  • cleansing of all dense energy throughout the body, chakra system & meridian network

  • mind/body/spirit alignment

  • post-session follow up

  • a session recording to re-invoke your shift at any time

  • homework/action items for you to solidify your actioned steps into creating a balanced lifestyle and continued energy flow

  • $30 post-session bonus incentive for those who leave honest reviews


Immediate benefits of this session include:

  • mind/body/spirit cleanse, purge, and reset

  • uplifted positive energy flow through your mind/body/spirit

  • enhanced clarity to "see"/"know" your new path forward into balance and wellness

  • a clear chakra system that tunes you into your inner wisdom that will show you your path towards balance

  • enhanced energy flow to bring your body's natural communication network online


Long-term benefits of this session include:

  • a comprehensive action plan to continue shifting towards balance

  • a session recording to re-invoke the session at any time

  • long-term domino effects enhancing your continued positive shift that cascades into the enhancement of your balanced life for at least 3 months post-session (longer if action plan is followed and you re-invoke the session)

  • all that is not in harmony with your balanced life falls away to make room for a new harmonic structure


This session includes a self-mastered Antojai Chakra Numerology Reading and Balancing, plus an Oracle Card Reading with Channeled Messages from your Spirit Guides revealing how you can embody greater balance. The Chakra Reading includes an analysis of how your chakras are currently aligned then applies targeted frequencies to create balance. The complimentary card reading & channeled message provides you with insight from your Spirit Guides on how you can naturally embody more balance in your life to promote your greater state of wellness. This combination clears the pathway from stagnant energy and opens up your doorway into a healthy, balanced, lifestyle.

All sessions are virtual; I can connect to you astrally without any limitations.

60 Minute Antojai New Earth Awakening Activation Session

$244 CAD

Are you ready to awaken and activate your mind/body/spirit into the higher realms?

This session is right for you if:

  • you're already on your journey to awakening and transforming your life

  • you're ready to take your awakening to the next level

  • you're ready to own your personal power and make impactful choices that will transform your life

  • you're ready to let go of the old structure of your life that is not in alignment

  • you're ready to see life with new "lenses"


This session includes:

  • Antojai Quantum Reiki to clear, cleanse, neutralize, reset, and align your chakra and meridian system into complete balance.

  • cleansing of all dense energy throughout the body, chakra system & meridian network

  • activating each chakra into New Earth frequencies

  • mind/body/spirit/soul alignment

  • the activation is encapsulated with divine time - the full activation will unlock for you in pieces as you are ready to prevent over activation. Don't worry - you will still receive a very impactful shift on your scheduled session time, AND a continued shift for months after to ensure your divine alignment with all that is to come with your awakening.

  • post-session follow up

  • a session recording to re-invoke your shift at any time

  • homework/action items for you to solidify your actioned steps into creating a balanced lifestyle and continued energy flow

  • $30 post-session bonus incentive for those who leave honest reviews


Immediate benefits of this session include:

  • mind/body/spirit/soul cleanse, purge, and reset

  • uplifted positive energy flow through your mind/body/spirit to create higher alignment within your self and your inner being

  • enhanced clarity to "see"/"know" your new path forward in harmony with your divine awakening

  • quantum jumping into a new timeline with every authentic shift

  • a clear chakra system that tunes you into your inner wisdom/intuition

  • enhanced energy flow to bring your body's natural communication network online

  • overall sense of wellness, balance, and peace


Long-term benefits of this session include:

  • a comprehensive action plan to continue awakening with balance and grace

  • a session recording to re-invoke the session at any time

  • long-term domino effects enhancing your continued awakening that cascades into the enhancement of your New Earth life for at least 3 months post-session (longer if action plan is followed and you re-invoke the session)

  • continued quantum jumping in your sleep state as you continue making aligned choices that harmonize with your ascension.

  • all that is not in harmony with your balanced life falls away to make room for a new harmonic structure


This session invokes your cosmic awakening while holding you in the high vibrational frequencies of Antojai. These frequencies will cleanse, purge, neutralize and reset your entire system to allow for new energy to flow through you that awakens every cell in your body. With the focused intention on spiritually awakening your body/mind/spirit into the New Earth frequency, everything that is not in harmony with this goal will begin to fall away. Purge thoughts, dense emotions and programming as your path is cleared for you to walk through your doorway into higher frequencies. This awakening is contained within divine time that aligns with your Soul that unlocks for you in steps as you are authentically ready to prevent over acceleration. You will still walk away from the session with profound shifts, yet, shifts will continue to unfold for you in the coming weeks/months following the session as you continue walking into New Earth.

All sessions are virtual; I can connect to you astrally without any limitations.

60 Minute Antojai Home/Land/Business Blessings & Cleansing Session

$357 CAD

Are you feeling the weight of the world inside of what is supposed to be your oasis?

This session is right for you if:

  • you feel trapped by a dense energy in your house/business

  • "bad luck" occurs frequently in your house/business

  • you've had a sudden onset of "bad health" related to a move

  • you feel intense emotions inside your house/business, but feel relief upon leaving the site

  • the house/business experiences high turnover rates

  • you have "unexplainable phenomenon" occurring

  • you have nightmares inside your house/about your business


This session includes:

  • release of trapped spirits/dead energy that is impacting health and wellness

  • banishment of all negative energy/entities creating chaos/havoc

  • protection barriers placed around your house/business & all occupants including pets

  • reconciliation with the land & a reset of the ley lines

  • complete karmic cleansing of the house/business/land

  • clear all residual energy

  • release Akashic Contracts binding any negative energy and re-write new Akashic Records of positive harmony

  • suggested techniques to continue promoting the vitality of your house/business/land after the session is completed to strengthen your positive relationship

  • post-session follow up

  • a session recording to re-invoke your shift at any time

  • $30 post-session bonus incentive for those who leave honest reviews


Immediate benefits of this session include:

  • uplifted positive energy flow through your house/business/land

  • liberation from any dense/dead/dark energy

  • a sense of peace, calm, and serenity in your environment

  • unexplainable phenomena related to poltergeist activity halts

  • mind/body/spirit cleanse and purge resulting from the reset of the house/business

  • karmic reset - the energy of your house/business/land completely resets and recalibrates into positive harmony


Long-term benefits of this session include:

  • a comprehensive action plan to continue the positive flow of energy through your house/business/land

  • a session recording to re-invoke the cleansing energy at any time

  • barrier against dead energy returning to the cleansing site, resulting in new-growth energy bringing more positive cycles into fruition

  • long-term domino effects enhancing the continued positive shift of your house/business/land that cascades into the enhancement of your life for at least 3 months post-session (longer if action plan is followed and you re-invoke the cleansing)

  • all that is not in harmony with this new energy falls away to make room for a new harmonic structure


This session extends protection onto individuals, home/business/on-site graveyards and the land. Extend transcendence to spirits that need assistance in crossing over and banishment to any attachments. Free yourself from residual energy and step into your oasis as it is uplifted into higher realms using Shamanic Shifting, Antojai Quantum Reiki, and Karma Cleansing Techniques.

All sessions are virtual; I can connect to you astrally without any limitations.

Contact me directly using the free consultation link for case by case rates for Hotel, Air BNB, Corporate Businesses and other high traffic/turn over business cleansings/blessings. Full disclosure on the turnover rate of your house/business is required. High turn-over cleansings are naturally more complex as I have to navigate the constant turning energy to find the source. To experience the highest level of shift, it is necessary for you to be entirely honest about the full scope of the house/business and compensate fairly & accordingly.

60 Minute Antojai “Past” Life Karma Cleansing & Soul Integration Session

$357 CAD

Do you feel disconnected from yourself and as if your energy is fragmented?

This session is right for you if:

  • negative recurring cycles continue to perpetuate for you, even when you try to change

  • you feel disconnected from your inner being

  • you feel like your energy is all over the place and its hard to focus on one thing

  • you seem to attract the same kind of "negative" people or experiences into your life

  • you have deep rooted unexplainable fears that you can't fully express

  • you struggle to feel a sense of wholeness within yourself


This session includes:

  • cleansing, shifting, balancing and integration of numerous lifetimes that are impacted your currently fragmented energy

  • recurring lifetime themes identified and shifted

  • releasing old Akashic Records and contracts that may be binding you to these experiences

  • integration of lessons from these experiences to close the cycles you are experiencing

  • re-writing new Akashic Records and Quantum Jumping into a new timeline in harmony with your Soul's wholeness.

  • post-session follow up

  • a session recording to re-invoke your shift at any time

  • homework/action items for you to solidify your actioned steps into creating your desired outcome

  • $30 post-session bonus incentive for those who leave honest reviews


Immediate benefits of this session include:

  • complete karmic reset within your current lifetime and experience, as well as across numerous lifetimes

  • a sense of stability and peace as "lost" parts of yourself come home, whole and healed.

  • release of dense thoughts and emotions related to the cleansing

  • deep validation and understanding of one's experience

  • waves of cathartic release as you understand yourself and your experience from a birds eye view


Long-term benefits of this session include:

  • a deeper understanding of "self" begins to unfold in the weeks/months following the session.

  • new or existing life inspirations will begin to call to you as you continue to harmonize with your wholeness in the weeks/months following the session.

  • new opportunities begin to unfold as a result of the dense energy being cleared from these lifetime cycles in the weeks/months following the session.

  • a comprehensive action plan to continue to harmonizing your wholeness

  • a session recording to re-invoke the cleansing energy at any time

  • long-term domino effects harmonizing you, your inner being, and your Soul that cascades into the enhancement of your life for at least 3 months post-session (longer if action plan is followed and you re-invoke the cleansing)


This session guides you into a deep hypnotic trance. I will then connect with the quantum field and begin inviting "past" lifetimes (or more accurately, alternate lifetimes) forward that are most influential upon your current experience, while you rest in hypnosis. In connection with these lifetimes, you will discover some key themes that played out, and then I will cleanse the karma and shift your collective Soul into transcendence and integration. Fragmented pieces of your Soul related to this experience will become whole again. We will cleanse, shift, and integrate at least 3 life time themes, each theme holding the container for multiple lifetimes, so we will be working on numerous lifetimes. Once these themes are released, your path forward will be cleared of past influences and you will live more definitively in the NOW moment.

All sessions are virtual; I can connect with you without limitations.

75 Minute Holistic Antojai Quantum Reiki Shifting Session

$357 CAD

Do you desire transformation but feel like the odds are stacked against you and you don't know where to begin?

This session is right for you if:

  • you are working towards your life goals, but feel stuck

  • heavy thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are weighing you down

  • you take 2 steps forward and 5 steps backwards on a regular basis

  • you're struggling to define what it is that you truly want

  • you have unexplainable or recurring health problems surface

  • you constantly feel drained or procrastinate against your life goals


This session includes:

  • holistic techniques to bend and shift your reality

  • cleansing of all dense energy throughout the body, chakra system & meridian network

  • mind/body/spirit alignment

  • other session techniques as required to create shifts (awakening activations/past life cleansing/home cleansing

  • karma cleansing, hex/jinx removal, program shifting, Soul integration, spiritual body activation/awakening, spiritual coaching, meditative journeying, and other techniques as required

  • quantum jumping into a timeline aligned with your goals

  • post-session overview notes (included in this session type only) and follow up

  • a session recording to re-invoke your shift at any time

  • homework/action items for you to solidify your actioned steps into creating your desired outcome

  • $30 post-session bonus incentive for those who leave honest reviews


Immediate benefits of this session include:

  • mind/body/spirit cleanse, purge, and reset

  • uplifted positive energy flow through your mind/body/spirit

  • karmic reset to recalibrates reality into a symbiotic relationship with your goals

  • emotional cleanse, purge, and reset to create results of peace, wellness, and ease

  • enhanced clarity to view your life experience differently and "see"/"know" your new path forward

  • enhanced energy flow to bring your body's natural communication network online


Long-term benefits of this session include:

  • a comprehensive action plan to continue shifting towards your life goals

  • a session recording to re-invoke the session at any time

  • long-term domino effects enhancing your continued positive shift that cascades into the enhancement of your life for at least 3 months post-session (longer if action plan is followed and you re-invoke the session)

  • all that is not in harmony with this new energy falls away to make room for a new harmonic structure


This session is a melody of energetic Shamanic practices infused with Antojai Quantum Reiki to create shifts in your reality. This session can be a combination of other session types, or other Shamanistic techniques that I have learned, used as required based upon the shifts requested and the source of the underlying energetic blockages. This session is fluid based upon the client's energetic needs that emerge in session. Techniques include karma cleansing, hex/jinx removal, program shifting, Soul integration, spiritual body activation/awakening, spiritual coaching, meditative journeying, and more. Experience an increased awareness of your current reality, empower yourself to make changes with blockages removed, and step into your upgraded life. Enhance your life by creating shifts into inner peace, health, wellness, vitality, balance, self-awareness, inspiration, movement, and limitlessly more.

All sessions are virtual; I can connect with you without limitations.

Advanced High Value Packages

Five Antojai Student Coaching Sessions Package

$1555 CAD


Ten Antojai Student Coaching Sessions Package

$2741 CAD

Expand Beyond Bounds & Embody Antojai

Apply for this package by scheduling a free 15 minute consultation to see if it is a right fit for you.

Five or Ten 1-1 Coaching sessions for fully trained Antojai Quantum Reiki or Antojai 1 Students.

A valid copy of your certificate is required prior to the commencement of training to ensure that you are qualified for this package.

Let's dive in and unlock more of your power and potential together. These sessions are yours, however you need. Experience coaching, push your limits, shift, journey together, deepen your connection with Antojai, learn advanced techniques, ask questions, receive channeled messages, and more.

Five session package is valid for 6 months from purchase date.

Ten session package is valid for 12 months from purchase date.

Golden Soul 90 Day Rebirthing Program

Rebirth Into Your Soul’s Frequency Of New Earth

$929 CAD

This program is exclusively offered 1-2 times per year maximum. Stay tuned for our next accelerator happening in Spring 2025.

Apply for this package or learn more by scheduling a free 15 minute consultation to see if it is a right fit for you.

An accelerated transformational journey into your Soul’s next level alongside fellow journeyers like you, where you can make connections with others as you transform together in circle with coaches who have been through this journey in your shoes. Our circles are held with grace, faith, and divine time to ensure that your journey is accelerated at a rate that is in harmony with you. This also means that your continued transformation will continue after this package is complete, in alignment with your divine time.

This package is offered over a 90 day journey, where our group meets bi-weekly until this transformational cycle is complete. A different element of rebirth is activated each month to hold you as your Soul Rebirths. Emerge on the other side of this cycle as a rebirthed Soul, aligned with your inner essence.

This package is only for those who are authentically ready to make this commitment to change and transform their life. This package comes with daily homework. You play a critical role in your own rebirth. The deepest level of transformation occurs for those who participate in the daily transformational process.