let's transform together

Meet Jaleen aka IndiGold

Antojai Alchemist, Antojai Quantum Reiki Coach, Twilight Shaman,

Spiritual Coach, Meditation Teacher, Endless Student of the Cosmos

Hi, I'm Jaleen!

I started Elemental Frequencies Shamanic Services after diving deep into my spiritual journey and learning with the Antojai Ascension Academy. I have been learning and practicing Antojai since 2022, and have participated in live group coaching with Master Antojai for students coming into the Academy. I am currently embarking on a year long apprenticeship with Master Antojai in 2025 to become an Antojai Ascended Master.

It is my passion to empower others to step into their authenticity and create lasting changes and transformation in their lives with the power of choice. When you step into session with me, I guide you into yourself, break down the barriers to your transformation, and hold a doorway open for you into change. Only you can take the step through - come along for the journey.

Learn more about my journey below.

Accredited Shaman and Alchemist

Personal and Professional Coaching Experience

Proven Client Results & Testimonials

Jaleen's Life Journey

How I Came To Be

Growing up, I was just like you. I didn’t have the tools that I needed to support my spiritual identity. It was really confusing because I knew there was more to life beyond the senses.

More like, I was overwhelmed by that which I could not see. Spirits would attach to me any chance they got. I would wake up in the night to some kind of event almost every night, whether it was my door being slammed, being watched, touched, something in my bed, or an entity inserting itself into my dreams.

As a child, I felt terrorized. I didn’t have anyone who believed in my experience, much less, was I able to receive help or guidance.

It led me to shut down my powers, because I was so scared. This only alleviated my experience minimally. I was still terrified of being alone at night, which led to one night in early adulthood where something dragged me out of my bed while I was asleep and tried to convince me to forfeit my body.

This is when I knew I needed to get to the bottom of my experience and learn how to protect myself. I didn’t want a life where I feared the dark, much less did I want to pass this experience on to my future children.

This led me down the path towards where I am today. I knew that if I wanted to protect myself, I needed to activate my powers again and learn how to use them. I started my journey by learning different divination practices, then eventually learned Usui Reiki.

Usui Reiki was a great starting point for me, but it still felt like something was missing. It felt like there was a lot of untapped potential beyond the modality and like there were too many rules for something so infinite.

This ultimately led me to join the Antojai Ascension Academy where I learned Antojai Quantum Reiki and became a Coach. I went on train further with Ascended Master Axel Antojai, and truly learned how to embody Shamanism through various programs.

Learning Antojai transformed my life. It reawakened parts of me that were long left dormant, and other parts of myself that were completely lost. I learned how to transform my reality and rebirth myself into life time and time again. With every rebirth, the snake shed it’s skin and creation came to life.

Continually embodying this transformation myself is the adventure of my life, and it is my wish to empower you on your journey. Whether you are looking for balance, karma cleansing, home & land cleansing, Soul cleansing & integration, live group circles, private training, or anything else, my passion is you and your journey.

Schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me to learn more.


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Not All Trainings Use Certificates

While these certificates represent some of the treasured knowledge that I carry, there is a greater amount of Shamanic trainings that I have taken that do not issue certificates. In the Shamanic Realm, implementing teachings into life experience is the only "certificate" that there is. There is no certificate at the end of training, because you must go on to live the lesson. And so, please be reminded that it is not the certificate that defines the one who you choose to work with. It is their vibration and authenticity that speaks to your Soul. That is how you know who is right for you.

Those Who Best Align To Work With Me Are:

Open to the unknown

self accountable

Willing to Change

curious about the greater picture of life

Exploring life

Willing to Grow

Curious about life beyond the physical realm

awakening to programming & conditioning

on their journey of discovery

Those who best align to work with me have some of these qualities. This list is not all encompassing, nor is it intended to exclude anyone. I welcome anyone who is open to discovery to connect with me! These qualities are simply meant to give an idea of who may resonate with me as their Shaman.