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Self Love Quantum Spell - Embody Your Soul's Inner Love


Activate your Soul's inner love within every cell in your body and penetrate your quantum reality with deep inner love. As you embody your Soul's capacity for self-love, limitations will surface for you to surrender. Do so with love and choose love, and this spell will echo into your reality. Self love is a choice, and this spell will remind you how to love yourself more, and what your love language is. Embody and embrace your unique essence in its greatest capacity as you become the frequency of love.

Phase 1: Integrating the spell—Your body harmonizes with the spell and allows it to begin working.

  • Effects: increased water intake, rest, and sleep. Dreams may also become more lucid - pay attention to dream messages.

Phase 2: Shifting & Balancing - your reality begins to reorchastrate internally and externally. Anything that is not in balance with your authentic expression of self-love will be shown, upon accepting and surrendering this old way, it will shift and release. Love will increase in your internal body and enter your reality through the path of least resistance.

  • Effects: break down in old structures, habits, beliefs, relationships, etc. that are not in harmony with self-love. Beliefs, structures, thoughts, emotions, an experiences that you hold on to that are not harmonious with self-love will be highlighted. Be open to seeing this and choosing to surrender whatever you hold on to, so that greater love can flow through you. Increase balance, love, and peace within your body and areas of your life. Note any friction and give your body permission to release and reset.

**To unlock the next phase, authentic balancing within this phase must be achieved. This requires surrendering wherever you have harmonized with chaos and choosing your new harmony to be inner peace and higher love within oneself, which the spell will help you do.**

Phase 3: Long-term balance shift: as homeostasis is achieved, you will begin to harmonize with the frequencies of New Earth (not a place, but a choice) . This opens a doorway for long-term change when you authentically align with your true inner peace and balance.

  • Effects: new way of existing, freedom from old beliefs/ways of life, increased self-love, balance, wellness, and happiness.

The spell will harmonize with your divine time to fully activate. This means that as you are authentically in alignment, the dominos of the spell will fall. To initiate a fast turn around time, consciously choose to be in flow with the spell and enact your choices, habits, and way of existing to be in harmony with the intentions of this spell, even if at times it feels challenging.

**Note: my spells are not quick fixes - no such thing exists. Rather, these spells open doorways for you to more easily ascend with harmony. Your participation is required and your choice is your power. The union of you and the spell is what authentically unlocks long-term change.**

This spell will be casted astrally upon your purchase and you will receive a confirmation email with simple instructions for you to invoke the spell within 3 business days (often sooner).

For advanced activations, visit my website to book a 1-1 session with me.

These spells are uniquely crafted using Shamanic Techniques and Antojai Alchemy and are activated with love & high vibrations. They will only affect what is in your Soul's highest purpose to evolve. Antojai can never harm anyone.

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