Rose Quartz Metaphysical Properties
Rose Quartz Metaphysical Effects

It’s impossible to summarize all of the effects of Rose Quartz, because there is simply no tangible way to measure them all. Rose Quartz can help you manifest any intention without limitation; it is the vantage point from which the crystal works from that differentiates it from other crystals. The key is, what you truly believe your crystal will assist you with, is where it will focus it’s attention. By understanding your crystal’s natural alchemy, you will learn how to work with it beyond the below suggestions for it to intimately assist you with your own divine alchemy.
Rose Quartz is a love and heart crystal. So when you manifest with Rose Quartz, it will bring your heart into balance, and create inner harmony that aligns with your higher heart’s love, when you work with it regularly. It will also help you overcome trauma and emotional imbalances, while it soothes your body, mind, and spirit. Additionally, Rose Quartz will draw off negativity, and increase empathy and acceptance, thus becoming a catalyst for heart felt changes.
If Rose Quartz senses that your wish is not in alignment with what your heart needs, it will filter out all dissonance in the way of you being connected with your true heart’s desire underneath it all. Once this has been discovered, Rose Quartz will help you create your heart’s vision, with your focus.
While it is important to note that Rose Quartz can assist you with any manifestation, it has a focus on the below areas. It will assist you in cleansing the below areas in order for your manifestation to more easily flow. If you perceive a blockage in any of the below areas, regularly meditate with Rose Quartz and invite it in to assist you with balancing these areas with love. Every time that you connect with crystal and ask for it’s assistance, make sure that you are also filling your Rose Quartz up with your love, gratitude, and appreciation too.
Sunlight: Rose Quartz is not sun safe, it will fade to clear with sun exposure.
Water: Rose Quartz is safe to place under running water that is free from chemicals or additives. This crystal should not be submerged for extended periods of time.
Zodiac: Taurus, Libra
Chakras: Heart, Higher Heart
Mohs Scale Rating: 7/10
Spiritual & Psychic Benefits:
Draws in Spiritual Love
Connects you with Divine Love
Helps Understand & Integrate a Higher Meaning of Love
Raises Your Vibration into Higher Frequencies
Which Increases Psychic Power
Expands Perception of Reality
Mental & Emotional Benefits:
Unconditional Love
Overcoming trauma
Reconciling Grief
Facilitates Forgiveness
Supports Relationships
Restores Trust and Harmony
Soothes Internalized Pain
Increases Self Love, Self Worth, Self Forgiveness, and Acceptance
Physical Benefits:
Reduces Tension
Increases Fertility
Balances Sexual/Womb State Imbalances
Increases Circulatory Flow
Releases Heartache
These are the main properties of Rose Quartz, however, every crystal is truly limitless.
The Rose Quartz Antojai Generator is in the AntojaiCrystalsbyJ Etsy Shop! Your purchase is complete with the Antojai Generator Infusion plus a personal attunement to your new crystal. Check it out >here<

Interested in learning about powerful Antojai Alchemy Activated crystal generators? Learn more >here<.
Personal Discovery
Hall, Judy. The Encyclopedia of Crystals. 2nd ed., Octopus Publishing Group, 2013.