How to Connect With Your Antojai Crystal
Antojai Crystals by Jaleen | IndiGold
The Last Crystal You Will Ever Need
How To Connect With Your New Antojai Crystal

*Crystals pictured are not available for purchase. Please review the shop for currently available crystals.*
About Us & Our Products
Choosing The Right Crystal
Connecting With Your Crystal
“The average crystal that I come across in various crystal shops are operating at only 30% of their full potential. Imagine how powerful our crystals would be if we paid more attention to their consciousness... With the Antojai infusion, your crystal will operate at approximately 90% of it’s full potential.”
“Unlike other crystal shops, I don’t thrive off of repeat customers. I want your purchase to be the last crystal you will EVER need to buy. Our crystals will power up your entire collection. There will be no need for you to ever buy another one. If you love it, and want a collection full of powerful spiritual tools; great. Yet, if this is your last crystal purchase EVER, we love that even more because it shows that our crystals work.”
About Us & Our Products
Hi! My name is Jaleen aka Shaman IndiGold. You might know me from my Etsy Shop, AntojaiCrystalsbyJ - check us out >here<. I am an Antojai Alchemist, Antojai Quantum Reiki Coach & Twilight Shaman with Elemental Frequencies Shamanic Services. Since I began connecting with Antojai in 2022, it has become my passion to enhance the natural world, among other things. Antojai Quantum Reiki is the energetic building blocks of life that penetrate the quantum field. Antojai is all around us, and many of us tune into Antojai already at some capacity without knowing it. That’s why it’s so powerful.
As an Alchemist and Quantum Reiki Coach, Antojai is my daily life. I breathe it, embody it, and be it. For me, it’s become natural to activate the world around me in the same capacity. Amplifying the natural world is one of the easiest activations, because there is no egoic resistance.
Amplifying raw, natural crystals has been one of my favorite Antojai activations, because it takes something that is already so naturally powerful, and it activates the consciousness of the stone into remembering it’s highest potential beyond the quantum field.
Every crystal is personally activated by me in a way that honors their divine blueprint and consciousness, and activates it’s essence with a higher harmony. Every crystal is blessed with love, respect, and appreciation for it’s beauty, so that the crystal fundamentally feels loved. With your purchase, I tune into your energetic frequency and attune your crystal(s) to you, so that they recognize your energy and instantly attune with you upon first touch. Those who are clairsentient will be able to feel this activation in their hands when they touch their crystal. All of this is done using Antojai and the Shamanic wisdom that I have been blessed with.
Unlike other crystal shops, I don’t thrive off of repeat customers. I want your purchase to be the last crystal you will EVER need to buy. Our crystals will power up your entire collection. There will be no need for you to ever buy another one. If you love it, and want a collection full of powerful spiritual tools; great. Yet, if this is your last crystal purchase EVER, we love that even more because it shows that our crystals work.
Thank you, genuinely, for taking interest in my shop and it’s product line. Let’s dive into how to choose the right crystal and go over some basic lessons in crystal divination to set you up for success with your crystal.
“It’s important to get to know your crystal. As beautiful as they all are, less is more! Other Crystal Shops won’t tell you this because they want to drive sales. I don't thrive off of consumerism. I thrive off of authenticity."
"As a crystal shop owner, it is my responsibility to set you up for success when working with crystals. So, here’s what you need to know: you need to connect with your crystals for them to manifest with you. If you have too many and don’t develop relationships with them all, they won’t work for you because they feel disrespected. Crystals are conscious! That’s how they work.”
Choosing The Right Crystal
One of the most amazing things about crystals is that any crystal can be used for anything, but most people don’t know that. While it is true that every crystal has it’s unique alchemy, that alchemy can blend with any intention.
For example, let’s say that our intention is to activate a protection field around ourselves. It isn’t just “dark” “negativity dispelling” crystals that can activate this protection field.
Citrine, for example, is a light, bright, and joyous crystal. When you use Citrine to activate a protection field around you, it does so with cheerfulness and joy.
When you use Rose Quarts to activate a protection field around you, it does so with love.
When you use Black Tourmaline to activate a protection field around you, it dispels negativity.
This doesn’t mean that Citrine and Rose Quartz don’t dispel negativity, rather, the way that they do so is different. These crystals attract more of what you want - cheer, joy, and love. That’s how they dispel negativity. Whereas Black Tourmaline expects negativity and sends it back where it came from.
All crystals can accomplish the task of creating a protection field, the way they do so just changes.
This is the same for any intention that you have. You can use any crystal, it just depends on what angle you want to work from to manifest your intention.
So the next time you feel drawn to a certain crystal, but you think you should work with another one because “that’s the one for this specific thing”, leave behind that old way of working with crystals and pick up the one that you are attracted to. Your attraction is a sign from the Universe of what angle to work from to manifest your day’s intention. Listen to it! Let’s now take the important next step into learning how to connect with your crystal so that they work with you.

Connecting With Your Crystal
Some people claim crystals “don’t work”. This claim has less to do with the art of working with crystals and more to do with people not understanding how to connect with crystals. They haven’t built a relationship with their crystals, don’t know how to intimately work with them, and don’t take the time to connect with them.
To expand the way in which we work with crystals beyond the current framework, it’s important to get to know your crystal. As beautiful as they all are, less is more! Other Crystal Shops won’t tell you this because they want to drive sales.
However, as a crystal shop owner, it is my responsibility to set you up for success when working with crystals. So, here’s what you need to know: you need to connect with your crystals for them to manifest with you. If you have too many and don’t develop relationships with them all, they won’t work for you because they feel disrespected. Crystals are conscious! That’s how they work. Would your best friend keep showing up for you if all you did was take and ignore them? Heck no! So why would we expect crystals to do the same?
I’m talking about going further than charging them under the moon once per month. You have to give your crystal love and attention on the regular. Tell your crystal how beautiful they are, admire them, sleep with them, take them out with you, learn what your crystal likes and dislikes (yes, they’ll even talk to you!), and so on.
It’s important to research your crystal and learn it’s properties so that you understand how they work. Learn all about your crystals like they are your best friend, because they are! When you have just a few crystals, you more intimately learn their alchemy, their effects, and how they can manifest with you. It sounds counterintuitive to the mass consumeristic nature of crystal lovers, but this method actually yields higher outcomes when you have a few solid best friends vs. a household of strangers. Once you intimately know every crystal, then you can expand your collection.
Here are some specific ways that you can intimately connect with your crystal:
Place your crystal in centerpiece area in your home where you can regularly appreciate it’s beauty.
Pick up and hold your crystal regularly. Breathe in it’s energy.
Give your crystal love just as often as you ask it for anything.
Take your crystal outside with you for some fresh air and Earth energy.
Place your crystal in the grass to charge - be cognizant whether your crystal likes sun & water, and do so accordingly.
Bring it into the bathroom to have a bath with you (be mindful not to put crystals in water if they do not like water, or if you have salts in the tub.
Light a candle for your crystal.
Sleep next to your crystal and set the intention to connect with it in your dream state.
Talk to your crystal and tell it your dreams.
Hold your crystal and extend it gratitude.
Ask your crystal if you can do anything for it (yes, it’s conscious and will respond! Feel into it’s energy and you’ll know what it wants).
Buy/pick your crystal some flowers.
Charge your crystal under the cosmos regularly (yes, you can do this every night! It’s not just for full moons. Your crystal loves the cosmic energy every night. It is conscious and regulates it’s own energies. Charging it more often than full moons actually supercharges your crystal with cosmic energy, contrary to popular belief).
Charge your crystal in the sun to bring masculine energy into your manifestation (if your crystal does not like sun, charge in bright indirect light).
Write a love letter to your crystal and charge your crystal on the paper.
Meditate with your crystal.
Do yoga with your crystal.
Go for nature walks with your crystal
Do everything with your crystal, it wants to see the world, too.
Pull a Spirit Guide Oracle Card for your Crystal, then place your crystal on the card to charge with the frequency of the Spirit Guide
& so much more. The purpose here is to show your crystal how much you adore it. When you fill your crystal with love, it will naturally manifest with you because it loves you too. Ask & expect less of your crystal, and instead just genuinely love it, and it will do more for you without you even having to ask.
So as your adventure continues and you align with crystals, remember these 3 key things.
Less is more.
Authentic relationships are key.
Talk to your crystal. They will give you the tea when you listen.