Destruction = Creation
Destruction = Creation

We all want to manifest new creations, but we fail to acknowledge the first step in the process: the destruction of everything in the way. Without moving the barriers and obstacles to your heart's desires, how can anything ever be created? First, we must embrace necessary destruction, which is quite uncomfortable for many. We are taught to run away from destruction, to fear it, and to think that the world is stacked against us when things fall apart. Yet, what if they are falling apart FOR us?
In order to fully step into destruction, we also need to address the barriers and resistance that we've built up against destruction. The only way to do this is to truly invoke authenticity, which is equally uncomfortable. Yet, the change we desire is not going to magically appear without putting in some effort and growing outside of our comfort zone, so I lovingly invite you on this adventure with me.
Commiting to being authentic with the truth and viewing reality from an objective standpoint is one of the most challenging, yet rewarding, things we can do. It's where you face all of the ways you've been standing in your own way, preventing your creation from occurring by fearing the destruction that first must take place. Think of it this way: you called in creation, therefore, you called in the destruction of everything in the way of that creation - there's always something. Then, when the destruction crew comes in, you cancel the whole renovation because you fear how it's going to turn out. You can't stand to look at the old structure falling, so you say the heck with it and keep living in your old house. You've essentially cancelled your services to the new creation by kicking out the demo crew.
So here, we need to stand in authenticity for a moment and objectively view how we've done this to ourselves without realizing it. It's okay - you didn't know what you didn't know. Now that you know, it's about creating a better strategy. So let's first invoke this by diving deeper into authenticity so you can view the full picture.
Come face to face with all of the reasons you took actions against your manifestation. All of the justifications, judgements on how the destruction came through, the opinions of others, fears, and more. What do the thoughts say and/or suggest? Are the thoughts true, or is it ego? The truth is, these thoughts are only here because the ego senses the tides of change rolling in and is trying to self sabotage you into not facing yourself. The ego is trying to win you over with distraction and justifications - at what point do we say enough and just dive into what we truly desire? What happened to jumping into the abyss of the beautiful unknown that we oh-so magically envision, yet fail to do in our daily life? Here lies a choice - regardless of the ego, even if there is a smidgen of fear present, are you going to slam on the breaks again and stay comfortable? At your deepest core, is that truly what you desire? We've been doing the same thing on repeat for far too long, when is it time to try something new? Or are you going to be brave and step into the natural process of creation that involves destruction? Pursuing your desires is your birth right.
Now that we have faced the first wave of resistance, now it's time to witness all of the security nets that we've built fall. Everything you thought you knew about manifestation. Everything you thought you knew about life and creation. Everything you thought you knew about how your desire would be created. Let. It. All. Go. Thinking we know anything is the biggest illusion and blockage that we can carry. The true alchemist knows that they know nothing and so they are a forever student. In this fall, in the ashes, transform who you thought you were. It's scary AND liberating. Just because there is fear, does not mean you have to hold yourself back. You can be scared AND dive in at the same time. Right before you jump out of a plane, isn't there a moment where you say "oh sh**?" It's the same thing.
These safety nets were keeping us small. Being now in the place where we can admit that we don't know anything - and that's perfectly natural - allow all possibilities to freely flow. Do you see now that destruction needed to happen FOR YOU? When you face destruction, ask "why" and it will show you. From here, it's then your choice if you are going to fulfill the contract of the creation you invoked by first embodying the destruction that must come before. Are you ready to dive in?